
Thursday, 22 August 2013

Nelson Mandela

What is South Africa’s ethnic makeup?Black People and Euros and Asians.  
Which country first colonised South Africa? The dutch were first.
What is the ANC?African National Congress .
What was their goal?To be equal to the whites.
What happened in 1948?The blacks and the whites were not allowed to be in the same place together.   

Link: Struggle For Freedom
What does the word Apartheid mean?Separate.  
What was Apartheid like in South Africa?It was very deadly.
What was it like for people who were fighting against apartheid?they risk their lives.   (Find several examples to illustrate)
What happened in 1964 and why?Nelson Mandela was fighting for his people.  
How did other countries show their support for the anti-apartheid movement? (2 examples)

Link: President Mandela
How long was Mandela in prison for and what was it like?27 years
When did he get released.1990
What changed in 1994 that was the key reason the ANC was able to become the government?

Link: World Statesmen
Why do you think Mandela is an inspiration to people all over the world?