In partners, your task is to complete as many of the following activities as possible. You have until Friday 8:45am of week 6
The more activities you complete and post on your blog, the greater the reward.
4 Questions + xtra math everyday = an ice block
7 Questions + xtra math everyday = hot chips
10 Questions + xtra math everyday = fish and chips and fizzy
Each activity is to be shared as a DLO on your blog. You must use at least 3 different ways to share your learning. Choose from the following ideas - or maybe create one of your own.
Hyperstudio animation
Pixlr Gif
Simple movie explaining your strategy
Scratch Game
Here are your 10 questions that you need to answer.
Question 1
Fred has baked for the cake stall. He makes up 2 different sized packs but with the same mix of biscuits and fudge. His large pack has 12 biscuits and 18 pieces of fudge. His smaller pack has only 20 pieces in total.
How many biscuits and pieces of fudge are in the smaller packs?10
Question 2
Tui is making poi for the kapahaka. She need .68 metres of material to plait for each of cords. She needs to make 26 poi. She has 18m of cord. Has she got enough? She does not have enough
Question 3
King Kebabs sells Chicken Kebabs, Lamb Kebabs, Falafel Kebabs and chips.
Chicken Kebabs = $8
Lamb Kebabs = $9
Falafel Kebabs = $7
Chips = $3
Lemonade = $1Last Thursday the shop sold 12 Chicken Kebabs, 11 Lamb Kebabs, 7 Falafel Kebabs, 13 Lemonades and 15 Chips.
1/3 of the total takings is spent on rent
25% of the total takings is spent on staff wages.
The rest is profit.
How much money did King Kebabs make last Thursday? (profit)
Question 4
Barks Burgers sells Beef Burgers, Hawaiian Burgers, Chicken Burgers and Milkshakes.
One busy Saturday the shop sells $456 worth of burgers and 14 Milkshakes.
One third of all takings goes to costs.
If the shop profited $84 from the milkshakes - How much does one milkshake cost?
How much money did they make from Burgers?
Question 5
How many triangles can you count? 17
Question 6
Turn this triangle around 180⁰ by on
Question 7
The name of the game is Petals Around the Rose, and that name is significant. Newcomers to the game can be told that much. They can also be told that every answer is zero or an even number. They can also be told the answer for every throw of the dice that are used in the game. And that's all the information they get.
The person who has the dice and knows the game, rolls five dice and remarks almost instantly on the answer. For example: in Roll #1 the answer is two.
Roll #1.

"The answer is what?" says the new player.
"On that roll?"
"Would it still be two if I moved the dice without turning any of them over, just rearranging the pattern?"
"I can tell you only three things: the name of the game, the fact that the answer is always even, and the answer for any particular throw. In this case the answer is two."
"So that's how it is. What am I supposed to do?"
"You're supposed to tell me the answer before I tell you. I'll give you all the time you want, but don't tell me your theory, just the answer. If you figure it out, you don't want to give the idea away to these other jokers around you. Make them work for the answers, too. If you get the answer right on six successive rolls, I'll take that as prima facie evidence that you understand the game."
"OK, roll again."
Roll #2.

"I give up. What's the answer?"
"The answer is eight."
"Roll again."
Roll #3.

The answer is fourteen.
Roll #4.

The answer is zero.
Roll #5.

The answer is four.
Roll #6.

The answer is... 4
Question 8
You have only 2 jugs. 5 litres and 7 litres. How can you use ONLY those jugs to measure out exactly 6 litres.You miniuse 1 liters from the 7 liters and put it in the 5 then you have 6 liters
Question 9
Anne and Michael each have goats.
Michael says to Anne : "If you give me one of your goats, I will have double of what you will have remaining".
Anne replies :"If you give me one of your goats, we will have exactly the same number of goats".
How many goats do Anne and Michael have? 1 each
Question 10
Each symbol represents a number. The number at the end of each row is the total for that row. The number at the end of each column is the total for that column.
What is the value of each of the symbols?
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