
Introduction :
Mr Jacobson On A Bike
Stage Music
Game On
P1 : Team 1
Around The World Athletics
Queen Talk - Key Message
P2 : Team 2
Athletics Competing In Sports
P3: Team 3
Rhythmic Gymnastic
- Describe What The Teaches Used :
P4 : Team 4
Potato Sculpture
P5 : Team 5
Around The World
Term 3 Immersion Assembly
Today Point England School had a Immersion assembly , It started out with Mr Jacobson saying with a surprising hello .
P1 : Team 1
Team 1 started of with the teachers dressing up in different countries like Fiji , New Zealand (Aotearoa) , South Africa , United States America ( U.S.A ) And Samoa . Team 1 showed a video and it was about All Around The World Athletics . At the end of the video there was a Queen talk from Ms George about the GlasGow Games
P2 : Team 2
Team 2 Did Athletics for competing in the GlasGow , first it was running from Ms She then it was Shot Put from Ms Eadie , then it was Javelin from Mrs Mckinley and last the all teachers from team 2 ran together . And there was another queen talk from Ms Jarmin For The GlasGow .
P3 : Team 3
Team 3 did Rhythmic Gymnastic , they had different tools such as a Ball , A Ribbon and A Hoops . Miss King And Miss Thompson had a Ribbon and Miss Nalder Had an Ball and finally Miss Walters had a hoop .
P4: Team 4
Team 4 showed a video about Mashed Potato Sculpture There were 4 teams Jamaica Mr Goodwin India Miss Lavakula Scotland Miss Ouano Cook Island Mrs Garden and the referee is Miss Jacobson . At the end Mr Goodwin Won the mashed Potato .
P4: Team 5
The Team 5 Teachers went all around the world at first it was Mrs Nua then Miss Clark flowing by Ms Paget next was Mrs Squires and last but not least Miss Slade . Mrs Nua went Spain because her nephew is in an motorcycle race , Ms Paget went Atlanta at USA , Miss Clark went to New York City At USA Mrs Squires went Chile and Mrs Slade went Fiji .