
Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Explorers of the sunrise

Explorers of the Sunrise

Family’s who lived long ago.

Someone who guides a person to the right path

People who go on a long journey

people who study the human history

The line where the sea and the sky seem to meet

What is the article about?
The Article is about 2 wakas that went to an long dangerous journey that followed the polynesian path .They went to see an master waka builder (Hekenukumai Busby).

Where was the journey to?  Find a map online and draw the journey they took.
Mangareva, Tahiti, Moorea, Doubtless, Auckland, Tubuai.

What did they use to navigate their way around?  What technology do we use now to help us navigate?
They used the Stars at night and the Sea at day.



Introduction paragraph

relax his students andP1 - Primary Colours

P2 - Secondary colours

P3 - Tertiary colours

P4 - conclusion
color 1.jpg

Primary Colors
What are primary Colors ? Red , Yellow and Blue are primary colors. They are the three pigment colors that cannot be made by mixing any other colors. These three colors are mixed to create all other colors that can be combined with white or black to create tints and shades.

color 2.jpgSecondary Colors
secondary colors is the mixture of any two of these primary colors:
Red + Blue = Purple
Red + Yellow = Orange
Yellow + Blue = Green .So , there are three secondary colors: Purple, Orange and Green .

color 3.jpgTertiary Colors
Tertiary colors is a combination of a primary color and an secondary color . Tertiary colors have specific names, The color wheel is a  different set of names and colors for the Red , Yellow , Blue color wheel.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


Seattle Sea hawks is running back Shaun Alexander set the NFL single-season record for touchdowns at January the 1st .
The NFL announcer that the NFL Network would begin airing a "Road To The Playoffs" package of eight prime time regular season NFL games starting in 2006 , January 28

January 28.
The Pittsburgh Steelers won their fifth Super Bowl , defeating the Seattle Sea hawks 21-10 in Super Bowl XL (11) at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan. The game was witnessed by 141.1 million viewers at the Ford Field , making it the second-most watched program in U.S television history, at February 3.

February 3:
The NFL clubs approved an extension of the Collective Bargaining Agreement through 2012. Owners also agreed on an expanded revenue sharing program that will redistribute $850 to $900 million over the course of the deal that was in the month March 8.
March 8 :
Commissioner Tagliabue announced his decision to retire by the end of July. The NFL enjoyed an era of unrivaled in the Tagliabue Era, including peace throughout his 17-year tenure .  

March 20 :
The NFL set an all-time paid attendance record in 2005 for the fourth consecutive season. Attendance for all 2005 games was 21,792,096, an increase of nearly 84,000 over the previous record of 21,708,624 in 2004.

March 27 :

NFL clubs unanimously decided to return the name of the official game ball to "The Duke" in honor of the late New York Giants owner Wellington Mara at  March 27.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Immersion Assembly


Introduction :

Mr Jacobson On A Bike
Stage Music
Game On

P1 : Team 1

Around The World Athletics
Queen Talk - Key Message
P2 : Team 2

Athletics Competing In Sports
P3: Team 3

Rhythmic Gymnastic
- Describe What The Teaches Used :

P4 : Team 4

Potato Sculpture
P5 : Team 5                                                      

Around The World

Term 3 Immersion Assembly


Today Point England School had a Immersion assembly , It started out with Mr Jacobson saying with a surprising hello .

P1 : Team 1

Team 1 started of with the teachers dressing up in different countries like Fiji , New Zealand (Aotearoa) , South Africa , United States America ( U.S.A ) And Samoa . Team 1 showed a video and it was about All Around The World Athletics . At the end of the video there was a Queen talk from Ms George about the GlasGow Games

P2 : Team 2

Team 2 Did Athletics for competing in the GlasGow , first it was running from Ms She then it was Shot Put from Ms Eadie , then it was Javelin from Mrs Mckinley and last the all teachers from team 2 ran together . And there was another queen talk from Ms Jarmin For The GlasGow .

P3 : Team 3

Team 3 did Rhythmic Gymnastic , they had different tools such as a Ball , A Ribbon and A Hoops . Miss King And Miss Thompson had a Ribbon and Miss Nalder Had an Ball and finally Miss Walters had a hoop .

P4: Team 4

Team 4 showed a video about Mashed Potato Sculpture There were 4 teams Jamaica Mr Goodwin India Miss Lavakula Scotland Miss Ouano Cook Island Mrs Garden and the referee is Miss Jacobson . At the end Mr Goodwin Won the mashed Potato .           

P4: Team 5

The Team 5 Teachers went all around the world at first it was Mrs Nua then Miss Clark flowing by Ms Paget next was Mrs Squires and last but not least Miss Slade . Mrs Nua went Spain because her nephew is in an motorcycle race , Ms Paget went Atlanta at USA , Miss Clark went to New York City At USA Mrs Squires went Chile and Mrs Slade went Fiji .  


Wednesday, 23 July 2014


Class 5 did AFL on Thursday . We had to find 2 partners , and when we do , one of the partners is called Spider man and the other Batman . Our first lesson was warming up , it was playing a little game called ball tiggi but some rules are different , instead of throwing the ball you have to hit the ball with your hand , it’s very hard and difficult for me.

When we finished we had to stay with our partners and have a  race with the others , you had to run bounce the ball 3 x and run back and bounce the ball once , so we did it ,  the last part we had to do star jumps  .


Friday, 4 July 2014

Aspiration Speech

Future  Aspirations

Part 1
Introduce the topic of the main goal of the session
Who ?        What ?

Part 2

Choose the one that inspired you the most
what it is that they inspired you with
Some quotes .

Part 3

Take what he / she said and how will that help you  
What are you going to do ?          How will / what she said to help you ?


Today some 3 expiring people came to point england school . Their names were Jason Sharma  , Alfred Faireka , Arizona Leger and last but not least Andrew.

Andrew is a radio speaker , Jason Sharma is a teacher from Tamaki College that teaches maths  ,Alfred Faireka Is  a Police , Arizona Leger is a talker  and she’s very good .


Arizona leger is the most inspiring person I've ever heard in my life , she inspired me by made me feel happy for most of the time and because her dad and her brother is a  rugby player , and she told me a  good quote Strive to stay alive and this very cache it says , Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is You er than You‘


I’m going take those quotes and use it against people that can’t understand life    

Monday, 30 June 2014

Plant and Fruit Research Science Visit

P 1 - introduce the visitor's , explain who , where , what  and why

p2 - first experiment - identify acid , base

p3 - Dry Ice what we learnt from that

p4 - last experiments - is it solid , liquid or gas , or in between

p5 - Questions

Part 1
Jacob is a man who went to high school and started doing biology because his friends started doing it too and he very liked computer science .
Lara started science because when she was little she started to ask questions and answer so she started to do Science .   
Laura is a woman that was into Garden

Part 2
Our First experiment was about acid and bases. Acid is a liquid, and an molecule like cabbage juice and white vinegar. If we pour white vinegar into a container of  purple cabbage juice, than the juice changes into hot pink .

Part 3

We learnt that dry ice is very different than normal ice . Dry ice is colder than -109.3 degrees Celsius it is so cold even a little touch and your skin may burn . And one of our experiment was putting the dry ice into a jar of water- ( that was set to the rooms temperature ) . As soon as you pour the dry ice into the jar it will be steam .

Part 4

Finally our last experiment . 3 scientist believe that the object they created is a liquid but performs as a solid .  Meaning it’s a non-toxic goo .  

Part 5

No Questions

Friday, 16 May 2014


My Holidays

As my Cousins and auntie got dressed for the fair , I was sleeping in my room. Then a few minutes later , Boom! someone slammed the door as my cousin ran across the road , I ran to the door as fast as  I could I saw cars go fast, I heard the cars beeping at cars and someone swearing to the police was arresting . My older cousin ran to the street to see who was in his house he had forgotten to lock the doors and windows he never knew who was it but it was scary , then my uncle took me to the Gym he trains every day till 10 30:am till 5:pm ,he just finish at 12 o'clock  because I had a party with my cousin up north at 1:30'clock  .

He just finished packing his gym stuff and went out the changing rooms , I told him to take me to Papatoetoe. We took like 10 minutes to get there . Then I went inside and told My mum “ is that our cousin ’’ then she said yea I know , I said “ I never knew I had Maori cousin Mum “ I replied  we just met them there names were Kassey and Cody and they are the oldest in their  family . Then a few hours later I had another cousin that came from Australia there names were Jadea and the other one had a very hard name . When we got to now them we went and had a nice feed there were burgers milkshake ice cream and cake i told my aunt “why do we have a cake “ i said with a confusing look , she said “because this is going to be the best feed of your life . Just then my dad came in and said hey I'm back from work what are you doing he said with a happily I've never seen my dad happy before but i could live with that .  

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Making Music

High and Low

I've learned about the difference of high and low pitch

Because if the lower the frequency of the sound is the lower the pitch.
And if the Higher the frequency of the sound is the Higher the pitch.

Loud and soft sound
loud is If there are 3 bongos all different size small medium and big the biggest is the lowest and the smallest is the highest .

Friday, 9 May 2014




Today we arrived at the hall and saw a man , his name was Robby and he’s from the the Auckland badminton he came to teach us Badminton for 4 weeks . He taught us 2  different skills for badminton it was an backhand and Forehand . Forehand is a skill that you put your Thumb in front and the rest at the back , backhand is when you make an shape of an V between your hands .

At first we played stuck in the mud there were 3 taggers Bailee , Nathan and Me ( Brent ) if you want to get unstuck you have to hi five them with 2 hands we only had 15 minutes  , as soon as we finish we started to do some skills for possible 15 minutes or sooner .
Robby was standing in the middle and told everyone to come in he said get an partner and practice hitting the shuttlecock back and forth back and forth until someone drops it . It was cool to be honest some of it but playing with your friends is even better.                  

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Point England School Fia Fia Night Is Here 2014


FiaFia night was great it started off with students choosing what dance should they go to. I went to Hip Hop i wanted to go to the  Tongan dance but I have done Tongan for seven years .

On Wednesday night . we had Fia Fia the group that I was in was  Hip hop it looks cool if u dance properly many dance moves were hard but kind of girly because it’s to hard only Levi only likes because he's the one that was in the girls dance I think he liked the dance even

The first group on stage was the Kapa Haka Group Senior Then Kapa haka Junior next was Bollywood later was ( Us ) Hip Hop
I was  nervous at first then I started to get lost with the dance and I felt humiliated that was the first time I felt that way ever and I mean ever.

My presentation on the Treaty of Waitangi

My presentation on the Treaty of Waitangi

Monday, 24 March 2014

Empathy Collage Explanation

What You Will Need:
And an paper

Class 5 did an Empathy collage to show what empathy mean and how it feels.

I started off with finding cool pictures like a sunset because it was relaxing and I thought that if some can see the sunset it will be relaxing or in other words romantic for people that is why i put a sunset on my collage.

I cutted around my picture and glued it onto my paper i colored it  all around my paper maroon and blue I put an some words what empathy means to me after we finish we do an animation of empathy.


As soon as i finish my empathy poster or collage the first 10 people goes to meet the breakers and play against the breakers and get a booklet with their autograph on it.

This is the picture that I put on my

Friday, 14 March 2014

Probability What it means

Probability is all about chance.
Let’s work out how to use words about probability.

Choose the correct word from the list above to write after each sentence.

  1. I will wear a red shirt to school tomorrow. certain
  2. An umbrella will be useful most days in Auckland during winter.likely
  3. Every person I see at the supermarket will be a man.IMPOSSIBLE
  4. Mum will give me $100 for cleaning my room tonight.unlikely
  5. Pt England is New Zealand’s best school.possible
  6. Mr Burt will give every kid an iPad on Friday.probable
  7. I will win the Duffy certificate this week.probable
  8. I will eat a piece of fruit this week.certain
  9. I will be kind to all my brothers, sisters or cousins tomorrow.certain
  10. KFC in GI will blow up at 10:32pm tonight!IMPOSSIBLE
  11. When Isara grows up he will be a famous model.probable
  12. The rugby team will win their next game.probable
  13. Everything I eat today will be yellow.unlikely
  14. A tree will fall on my neighbour’s house tomorrow morning.impossible
  15. Aliens will come from outer space and take Ms Tito to live with them.unlikely
  16. I will use my netbook at school this week.likely
  17. I have logged into my Google Account today.likely
  18. Tomorrow I will have different coloured hair.IMPOSSIBLE
  19. I will eat junk food sometime today.probable
John Key will announce next week that all teachers have been fired and replaced with monkeys! IMPOSSIBLE